Picture book illustration

The illustration belongs to one of my project called “The lucky Birdy”. The story is about a famous singer and her bird. In the beginning of the story, the singer lost her beautiful voice to sing. A friend gave her a bird to help her go through the rough period of her life. To her surprise, she enjoyed the bird’s accompany a lot, and they both shared a mutual passion for music. As a result, the singer slowly retrieveed her confidence and believed it was the bird who gave her good luck to sing. She decided to hold a concert again. However, the day before the concert, the bird went missing.

I was in a transitioning stage of my life while I started to develop the story. The dramatic changes in life made me wonder about the definition of success and what leads to it. Then the lucky birdy was created.

I hope you will enjoy the artworks here and maybe have some new thought about being successful and feeling lucky.