Kevin è Timido/ Telmo es Tímido

The inspiration of the picture book Kevin è Timido came from my own experience of being a shy child. And the picture book aims to discuss shyness and self-acceptance.  It is about a shy elephant, Kevin. Who was happy and talented. However, he was too shy to interact with others and not so good at making friends. Until one day, an outgoing girl, Rita moved to the neighbourhood. After seeing how many friends Rita made instantly, Kevin thought he needed to be outgoing to be popular. As a result, he set off on the journey to becoming Rita. However, not everything went as he planned…

The picture book is both illustrated and written by me. And the Italian was published by Kite edizioni , the Spanish version was by Ediciones SM.

Please see the Italian and Spanish introduction of the picture book below:
Kevin è timido

A volte possiamo pensare che l’unica soluzione per la nostra timidezza sia superarla, diventando esuberanti come gli altri, ma potrebbe anche succedere che a qualcuno, noi timidi, piacessimo esattamente così come siamo. Una storia sul importanza degli incontri e l’accettazione di sé.

Telmo es Tímido

El elefante Telmo es tan tímido que no habla con nadie y por eso no tiene amigos.Rita es muy extravertida y a Telmo le gustaría ser como ella.Un cuento sobre la timidez, la autoestima y el valor de la amistad. En legra caligráfica.